Pink Level 1 - Unconditional Love, Sweetness, Tenderness

Primary Red Level 1 - Awakening, Purification, Regeneration

Coral Level 1 - Rebirth, Sacred Space, Beauty

Burnt Orange Level 1 - Intimacy, Sensuality, Pleasure

Gold Level 1 - Spiritual Abundance, Mastery, Confidence

Primary Yellow Level 1 - Personal Power, Joy, Uniqueness

Green Level 1 - Truth, Expansion, Balance

Cerulean Level 1 - Soul Mate, Connection, Cosmic Family

Primary Blue Level 1 - Peace, Communication, Spiritual Alignment

Twilight Level 1 - Origins, Sound, Cosmic Blueprint

Violet Level 1 - Miracles, Healing & Magick

Clear White Light Level 1 - Luminosity, Cleansing, Infinite Self

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Auracle Healing Cards
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The Auracle Healing Cards are Living Consciousness

The Auracle Healing Cards are storytellers of your soul through the vibration of Unconditional Love bringing guidance, clarity, answers and because of those answers, peace of mind and balance into your life. They make you “feel” better as they help you align with your Heart Coherence, the connecting of the Heart and Mind.

Each of the 112 beautiful Images and Mandalas in the Healing Deck can be felt as they are “Living Consciousness”, Universal Energy. They are “feeling” cards, yet they are not cards. They are dimensional portals of “Light”.

Each Auracle contains the vibrations of Colour, Light, Sound, and Prayers of Love and Gratitude to uplift the Heart. As well, the Auracles are specifically encoded thousands of times with Sacred Geometries including the Platonic Solids, the geometries which correspond to the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Aethers. All geometries can be thought of as the Divine Blueprints of Consciousness and Energy. Together infused with the Colours and Sound, they transmit 432hz (hertz –cycles per second scientifically measured as the frequency of the Heart), the “Sound of Creation”, or LOVE into our DNA and atomic structure. This happens because they are located in our cells from inception. They amplify our connection to spirit in which consciousness uniquely expresses itself through us as we are Divine Source Energy.

Because of this, when using the Auracles they connect you to all which created the Universe. They mirror what you carry inside bringing awareness and awakening to what you need at the moment. This affects your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects and connect you more deeply to the truth of who you are as Source Energy. You may feel it as a dimensional shift, “knowing” something is different inside of you, yet you can’t explain it.

Colours themselves evoke us emotionally as they are a language of the Universe and of us, as we are made of “Light”. Within the Light are seen and unseen Colours, expressions from our Soul bringing messages for our benefit. Together all elements create an instant particle realignment in our atoms, molecules and cells upon gazing at them. When the consciousness of our atomic structure begins to shift, our perceptions and thoughts shift. Belief systems, patterns and habits begin to change leading to a place of freedom, expansion, and creation within us. Letting go of what no longer resonates becomes natural. This brings the fullest personal awakening, acceleration, and empowerment so we can create the reality we desire to experience by tapping into our inner symphony or Primordial Blueprint which holds all truth for us.

“Knowledge is power, but knowledge about yourself is self empowerment.”
~ Joe Dispenza

They can be used for:
Healings; Meditations; Readings; Laying on the Body or Under the Pillow; Gazing Sessions; Charging Food and Water; In Babies Rooms; On Pets; Creating a Sacred Healing Space. As you choose your Auracles, they reveal intricate Truths, teachings and experiences on various levels which help you align with your Authentic Self.

As you choose your Auracles, they reveal intricate Truths, teachings and experiences on various levels which help you align with your Authentic Self.

This brings Clarity and Awareness which:

  • Restore emotional balance, peacefulness, and serenity.
  • Help ground your visions allowing you to do what you Love in life with confidence.
  • Bring clarity and empowerment on your life path with new levels of direction and focus.
  • Open you up for receiving Self-Love, Compassion, Kindness, and Nurturing to Honour your life.
  • Bring physical, emotional, mental and spiritual connection to your Guides who work with you specifically to resolve an issue or circumstance that is present.

The Auracle Healing Cards will also provide you with following benefits:

  • Shift your perception of Self and Life into elevated states of awareness, therefore, in consciousness.
  • Open your Heart to deeply profound insights, deeper states of intuition, allowing un-Loved parts of your Self to rise, be acknowledged, forgiven, and restored in wholeness.
  • Assist in dissolving lower, fear based vibrations or thought forms ruling your actions which don’t resonate with Love.

“Mirror, Mirror of Beautiful Me

What Truth Need I To Set Me Free?”

~Leslie Sloane

Each Auracle Healing Cards Deck contains:

  • The Auracle Healing Cards are 4″x 6″ with a different image on each side of the card. A total of 56 cards with 112 exquisite Healing Images and Mandalas.
  • The accompanying Guidebook is 6″ x 8″ with 159 pages of uplifting messages, profound spiritual insights, answers to your questions and a simple explanation on how to do readings.

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