Energetic Transmissions

Recordings by Leslie Sloane & the Crew

Auracle Prayer of Love, Light, & Appreciation

by Leslie Sloane & music by James Fielden | Length 05:08 | This beautiful prayer came in to express Loving Appreciation to all Guides coming through the Christ Consciousness who help us walk our path of “Light”, as we are in Co-Creation and would not be anywhere without them. When we experience and express these emotions of Love and Appreciation, it expands our Hearts and boosts our immune systems resulting in Peacefulness, Health & Wellbeing, and Balance. It has been encoded into the Auracles tens of thousands of times, and transmits the vibration of Unconditional Love which creates a field of “Light” around your body bringing a deep sense of Peace and Spiritual Alignment.

The Auracle Chant

by Leslie Sloane & music by James Fielden | Length 16:17 | Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai, Tsebayoth means, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Of Hosts”. This Ancient and Holy Chant bridges Divine Realms into the Earth dimension, creating Sacred Space wherever we are. It opens a direct channel to the Masters Of Light who serve YHWH which bring Protection around our energy field, bring Divine Attunement, opens Holy Grids within our bodies, and clears all fields multi-dimensionally. As well, it opens gateways within your inner Sound of infinite Colours which divide like a blossoming flower Awakening you to new levels of teachings, and experiencing your Infinite Self. This has been encoded into the Auracles tens of thousands of times. Its vibration is in resonance with CREATION, therefore will diminish anything lesser in ITS Presence when chanted.

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