Seed of Life


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Sacred Geometries are the basis of all realities. Within each of the Auracle Healing Cards, Chakra Healing Cards and Sound of Creation Auracles, I’ve encoded other Sounds of Creation or Love into the Sacred Geometries making them unique to all others normally seen or viewed. These generate a quickening of the connection to your Primordial Blueprint or Biofield, expanding your mind, Heart coherence, awareness, and openness to accelerate from your present reality. It is an alchemical blend of the Universal Symphony which brings you back to yourself as the One Holistic Organism, Wholeness, Unification. All Auracles will have a positive effect on your consciousness as they all are deeply encoded with the Sound of Creation, antidote to a world of chaos and harshness into one of beauty, balance and perfection flowing through your outer and inner world.

Seed of Life

Represents the 7 Stages of Creation or Genesis Pattern carrying the Consciousness of Intelligent Love, Regeneration and Wholeness. You see 6 outside circles interconnected to the central circle, all which are equal in size. This is symbolic of our connection to “Source, God, All That Is” as the ONE from which we were born. The symbology is that we are all made equally, and it is our choices which define us.

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Suggestions on How to Use Your Sound of Creation Auracles:

  • Have a gazing session with your Healing Card(s) and begin a Loving, Truthful conversation with your Soul, your Guides and Source/Infinite Light. If you hear words or phrases, write them down, they are messages.
  • You can place the Healing Cards on or underneath your body while lying down and do a meditation, allowing them to penetrate into your energy field and physical body.
  • Use your Healing Cards of choice to charge up water and food, saturating yourself with the frequencies of Love/Creation in what you eat and drink as well as in meditations.
  • Place them on the nightstand next to your bed for a healing night of sleep.
  • Create a sacred space or Altar by hanging them on the wall in your office space, meditation room, bedroom, living room wherever you wish to receive the benefits of the healing transmissions, and shifts within your consciousness into elevated states of awareness.
  • Use them to set healing grids for your pets.

Each Auracle transmits the frequency/vibration of Unconditional Love. It is a language your Heart needs to bring you answers. During the process of using your Auracle, your Heart and Brain harmonize and you will begin to feel this Love opening up in every cell of your body. You might find yourself beginning to cry, maybe moving into a very calm, safe, nurturing place inside of your Self where you just want to “be”, or even have an overwhelming urge to laugh. You might even find yourself traveling through different dimensions in which ancient memories are also bringing up emotions. In that moment, you are connecting with your God Self bringing about an awakening, and a new level of SelfRealization for the particular story that needs to be addressed. This will bring reconciliation, release, and healing. When you are in this state of Love, harmful thought patterns will begin to dissolve both on conscious and subconscious levels, leaving space to create beautiful new experiences in your life from Joy. When we are in the vibration of Love, all things are possible. Each journey is unique to every person.