Sacred Elements
Found in the Auracle Healing CardsSACRED ELEMENTS: None of the elements listed below reflect any religion or religious belief system, however, all reflect Love which is the highest vibration throughout the Uni-Verse or “One Sound”. As well, I’ve encoded other Sounds of Creation/Love into the sacred geometries making them unique to all other sacred geometries normally shown. They generate a stronger field of energy, especially when layered together. This helps to accelerate your ascension process physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. All will have a positive effect on your consciousness as they are the antidote to a world of chaos and harshness into one of beauty, balance and perfection flowing through your outer and inner world. Simply gazing & meditating with the Auracles raises your vibration, helping you to feel the interconnection of Creation within you, awakening a new level of peace, harmony and coherence…a Loving space where you can create anything you wish to experience in life.

The Om
The OM is the sound in which the entire Universe emanates, the primordial sound of Creation. It is the original vibration of the Universe. It reflects a state of being in the highest reality, not in physicality, but as awareness only. This particular Om was written by Babaji, an Ever Living Avatar here now in this world to assist humanity.

Seed of Life
Found in Abydos, Egypt at the Osirian Temple known to be around 10,500 years old, this ancient form of Sacred Geometry was laser burned into a 100 ton Pink granite pillar. It is the oldest depiction of the Flower of Life known in the world. It is said to hold perfection of all of life within its harmonics and mathematical configurations as they are patterns of Creation, born from the Great Void. The Flower of Life is a type of Akashic Recording and activates ancient memories or codes within all sentient beings from the beginning of time.

Fruit of Life
Known as the Holy of Holies because it is hidden within the Flower of Life and Metatron’s Wheel which contains all elements within the Uni-Verse. The Fruit of Life allows us to harvest the fruits of our labors, as it connects us to higher conscious thoughts and words which manifest our reality through its thirteen tangent circles. The number 13 is 1 + 3 = 4. The number 4 represents inner wisdom, knowledge, integrity, honesty and building a solid foundation.

Flower of Life
Found in Abydos, Egypt at the Osirian Temple known to be around 10,500 years old, this ancient form of Sacred Geometry was laser burned into a 100 ton Pink granite pillar. It is the oldest depiction of the Flower of Life known in the world. It is said to hold perfection of all of life within its harmonics and mathematical configurations as they are patterns of Creation, born from the Great Void. The Flower of Life is a type of Akashic Recording and activates ancient memories or codes within all sentient beings from the beginning of time.

“Mer” means “Light”, “Ka” means Spirit, and “Ba” means Body…or, Spirit/Body. The Merkabah is said to have been used as a vehicle by Ascended Masters enabling their souls to travel into higher consciousness realms to connect with others of the same frequency. In other words, it is a vehicle which transports the soul from one dimension to another at “Light” speed, surrounded by spirals of energy almost identical to the double helix, or our DNA. It is a Spiritual Light Vehicle which Integrates our heavenly and earthly, as well as male and female energies.

Metatron’s Wheel
Archangel Metatron is known as the “Left Hand Of God”. He was embodied on Earth as “Enoch” before his transformation by God into the spiritual realm to become His One and Only Scribe. He is equated with the Egyptian Scribe (Djehuti) who wrote the Emerald Tablets, also known as Thoth or Hermes Trimegistus to the Greeks. It is said He has 70 Sacred Names, and is the highest of all Archangels. His “Light” is more powerful than any other. Metatron’s wheel is a series of connected geometries from the Flower of Life, creating a portal of “Light” in which one can travel into the 5th Dimension.

Tree of Life
The Tree of Life can be considered a Blueprint of the human illumination process in mystical form. It presents many paths leading to family/ancestry, higher intelligence, spiritual/self- growth, cycles of life, individuality, abundance, prosperity, adaptability and groundedness. It is a symbol of Oneness and Connection to All That Is within and around us. The unique codes placed into this Tree of Life can heighten the innate wisdom we carry in our Hearts which will always lead us back to Truth. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life.

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Tsebayoth
In Hebrew it translates to, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.” When chanting this Mantra or, Holy Code, or simply absorbing Its “Light” when in the presence of It, this allows us to experience energy directly from to the Masters of Light. These Holy words and their frequency bring protection around our energy field, as well as connection into all realms of life, dimensionally. According to Enoch (Archangel Metatron), the “Sound” coming from the vibration of the words, resonate with Source, Itself.

Musical Notes
Each musical note is layered with the words, “I SEE YOU”. This activates memories of your primordial sound or “Inner Symphony” prior to embodiment in the physical world. By hearing this “Inner Symphony”, the inner Flower of Life or your Divine Blueprint will be revealed which carries Unique patterns for each Soul. When you hear your sound, you are connected to the Truth of your Higher Self and greater purpose for each stage of your life and journey. The sound is and always will be… Love. You will feel it in every cell along with a deep sense of peace.

The entire invocation can be viewed here.

Note to Reader:
All Sacred Geometries and Codes have been layered into the Auracle Healing Cards tens of thousands of times allowing instant transmission of Love into your Heart.