Coral – Colour Healing MP3 Meditation


“Through Love, Compassion and Forgiveness, I Awaken To My Spiritual Self”
Length: 28:27

The purpose is to awaken deeper aspects within your Spiritual Self, opening new doorways into the Christ Consciousness. This is not a religious term but a Spiritual one symbolizing Sacredness, Compassion, Forgiveness, Acceptance an Truth bringing a new, sustainable and grounding foundation from which to live your life. The Sound of Love being brought through the Coral vibration will activate deeper levels of Love stored within your DNA. This will help you to identify where you have abandoned your Self in life and give you the strength and courage to stand up for Self, creating boundaries with people, places or circumstances which do not resonate with Love.

Once you purchase this meditation package, you will receive a download link in your emailed receipt. Download this 1 file and unzip. Thank you and enjoy!
