Suggested Uses for the PDF Auracle Healing Cards To use from your computer:
- Choose an Auracle Healing Card Image or Mandala and have a gazing session with it.
- Use your Auracles as wallpaper for your desktop or for your cell phone since they emit the healing vibrations of Love, and will also protect from harmful EMF’s penetrating your cellular structure. This is especially important for mothers who have newborns and young children since they carry their cell phones and have some type of electronic device wherever they go.
If you choose to print these, I would suggest printing them no larger than 8.5 x 11 because it begins to pixilate beyond that. They look beautiful printed on photo paper and laminated. These printed Images and Mandalas can be used in the following ways:
- Place them on the nightstand next to your bed for a healing night of sleep.
- Create a sacred space or healing grid.
- Create an Altar.
- Hang them on the wall in your office space, meditation room, bedroom, living room wherever you wish to receive the benefits of the healing transmissions, and shifts within your consciousness into elevated states of awareness.
- Use them to set healing grids for your pets.
These are just some suggestions as to how to utilize the pdf Auracle Healing Cards. Because these are out of the box and unlimited in their use, it is up to you to discover how to use them for yourself in the best way that works for you.